
Origin of the Hudson name

The name "Hudson" and "Hutson" evolved from two given names in the 13th century British Isles: Richard and Roger. Richards and Richardson also had their genesis in Richard.

Richard, often called "Richud," was sometimes shortened to "Hud". When surnames were required then 'Hud's son' became "Hudson." Hud-chens meant "Little Hud", and this became Hutchens, McHutchen and McCutsheon.

A nickname for Rodger was "Hodge". This became "Hodgson", then "Hodson", then "Hudson". One source says the family of Henry Hudson the explorer was originally Hodgson.

No matter what appellative individuals have preferred, the old records keepers spelled the name just any way that suited their fancy or limited education. There are many Hudson lines, therefore, and it is impossible to differentiate between these names in most of the early records of England or the United States.

(A general explanation of the origin of the Hudson name, from experience rather than sources---Conrad Hudson)